Olive oil cancer prevention

Olive oil with each new study reveals new properties against cancer. In June 2022, researchers from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), in collaboration with the Institute of Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC), were convinced of this. They discovered that using an olive oil emulsion to control the microbacterium brumae is the best treatment for bladder cancer. The study was led by a lecturer at the UAB Department of Genetics named Esther Julian, who announced her discovery last year: Mycobacterium brumae cells offer an alternative to existing treatments for bladder cancer, such as BCG (immunotherapy based on Mycobacterium bovis), which can cause infections. Researchers have found a way to increase the uniformity and stability of Mycobacterium brumae solutions and, consequently, their effectiveness when ingested. The best remedy turned out to be nothing more than an emulsion of Spanish "liquid gold"! It is the olive oil emulsion that protects the microbacterium and delivers it to the bladder of a cancer patient, as experiments on mice have shown. Daily consumption of extra virgin olive oil can increase the absorption of compounds with anti-cancer properties. There is a nuance: you need to cook your vegetables in olive oil. Why do you think? There are such substances, carotenoids. The plant body needs carotenoids to absorb solar energy. They make tomatoes red, oranges orange, etc. Among them are well-known beta-carotene, the main defender of the immune system, lycopene, normalizing cholesterol, lutein, which protects the retina of the eyes, and others. These substances suppress oncogenes, that is, prevent cancer. Carotenoids do not dissolve in water. The presence of fat is important for assimilation. For example, if only about 1% of carotenoids are absorbed from raw carrots, then after adding oil, the percentage will increase to 25. According to the same principle, vegetables should be fried and stewed in olive oil.